Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A visit to Country Gardens Farm & Nursery

A baby calf, originally uploaded by jekemp.

Last week I took some time to visit Country Gardens Farm & Nursery outside of Newnan. It is a quaint little farm and nursery that sells among other things, Raw Milk!

This milk is straight from the farm. (Read-Grass fed cows) and of course, is labelled for pet consumption only. I picked up a $4.00 half gallon and brought it home for my two cats to sample. This milk was not what one would expect to see down at the local super market. First, there were two distinct layers within the container and the color was more of a cream than the more familiar stark white.

After watching the cats go to town on this treat, I went ahead and shook the carton and poured myself a tall cold glass. All I can say is that this milk is truly amazing. Did I get sick from drinking it? No.

I am not going to say that Raw milk is safe to drink. Unfortunately, we live in a time of great fear with regards to food borne illness. Bacteria can be harbored in the milk and cause a litany of problems from diarea to vomiting. The FDAstates that consuming raw milk is dangerous and I believe them to a point. If we did not live in the time of the factory farm, I doubt that that e coli, Salmonella, or listeria would nearly be as bad as they potentially are these days.

The FDA also claims that more than 800 people in the United States have gotten sick from drinking raw milk or eating cheese made from raw milk since 1998. That really is not that many people when one thinks of the millions of people that call the United States home.

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